Welcome to Phase One of the Smithsonian’s Material Culture Forum (MCF) website. This online resource is being developed as a comprehensive archive documenting the wide range of programs MCF has offered for over 30 years. As MCF members continue to add information and materials, this website will become a rich source of research and presentations that Smithsonian staff and outside subject matter experts have contributed over the past three decades. The website will also be the place where you can sign up for upcoming programs, suggest future MCF themes, and get involved in our forums and other activities.
One of MCF’s most recent projects was spearheading an internal Smithsonian survey of the most important people, objects, and moments from the institution’s 175-year history. Looking ahead, you can expect to find a page on this website dedicated to activities commemorating the 175th anniversary, as well as MCF programs inspired by this major Smithsonian milestone.